Sophia Cleary: One & Only Livestream Discussion
Thursday, October 14, 5pm EDT

Please note: This livestream will begin at 5pm EDT. Please press play on the above embedded video enter the stream. A full recording of this discussion will be uploaded to The Kitchen OnScreen at a later date.

While in residence at The Kitchen September 22–October 2, Sophia Cleary continued work on her ongoing project One & Only: a performance series in which each show is borne from the unique connection between Cleary and her audience. Each performance simultaneously celebrates and upsets 1:1 power dynamics, and asks: “How does the apparatus of theater support or disrupt a relationship?”

Cleary’s residency concluded with workshop showings where select guests were invited to experience the performance as the sole audience member in our 155-person-capacity theater. Excerpts from these live performances are viewable online @thekitchen_nyc’s Instagram channel.

In this livestream discussion, Cleary, One & Only’s director Sara Lyons, and lighting designer Madeline Best come together to reflect on their experiences as producers, contributors, and witnesses in this process.