Kitchen Magazine

The Kitchen has a longstanding tradition of publishing texts in parallel with our programmatic initiatives. Launched in July 2020, Kitchen Magazine expands on our previous platforms to spotlight texts, visual essays, interviews, and commissioned projects in a new context, organized by series.

From the Archives

Explorations of the artists, exhibitions, events, and institutional practices that have defined and shaped The Kitchen since its founding in 1971

Kitchen Memories

First-hand reflections on past programming that reveal how The Kitchen’s events, performances, and exhibitions have informed staff members’ work and thinking

In Dialogue

Dialogues with The Kitchen’s community about art and ideas

Program Related

Texts that complement and expand on The Kitchen’s current programming


Recent entries: “Revisiting TV Dinners at The Kitchen,” “Interior Interlude: Xaviera Simmons at The Kitchen,” and“Performing Animal, Becoming Human”

Recent essays: “Summer of Alternative Histories,” “My Geeky Love for Stanley Love,” and “Looking Back on Assembly”

Recent dialogues feature E. Jane, stefa marin alarcon, Claire Chase, Ann Cleare, Matana Roberts, and Wang Lu

Recent entries complement Jen Liu’s Video Viewing Room, the “Describing The Ephemeral” Instagram series, and The Kitchen’s educational partnerships