A Dialogue with stefa marin alarcon
stefa marin alarcon was in residence through The Kitchen at Queenslab from May 17–23, 2021. The work that they created during their residency, Born With An Extra Rib: The Film, will premiere at The Kitchen on March 17, 2022. After alarcon’s residency, Curatorial Intern Maryam Rahaman spoke with the artist about their work and process...
Describing the Ephemeral
The Archival Highlight project was conceived as a platform for The Kitchen’s Curatorial interns to develop their own lens through which to consider The Kitchen’s vast archive and share their findings with its audiences on Instagram. From July 22–September 8, 2021, we (Maryam Rahaman and Noa Rui-Piin Weiss) formed a project thesis, researched events from The Kitchen’s history, gathered archival materials, and prepared highlights for social media..